You can check the ID of a member using the verification tool below.
Simply enter the membership number displayed on their card
and check the details and photo match the ID shown.


Check they're registered

Annual and Operational RPII registered inspectors carry an ID card with a unique licence number. Always ask to see their card.

Routine inspectors DO NOT carry an ID card.

Check they're qualified to do the work

RPII Inspectors will often have a range of qualifications that allow them to carry out specific types of inspections. It's important to check what work they are qualified to do before you use them.

The RPII Seal

What do they mean?

These seals, which detail the inspector’s name, registration number and type of qualification (Indoor, Outdoor or Inflatable) are more than just additions to a cover of a report.

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The RPII is the official body for examining, accrediting and certificating indoor, outdoor and inflatable play inspectors.

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